Frequently Asked Question

Are there any recommendations when using 3G/4G SIMs in Ewons ?
Last Updated 6 years ago

Yes! Here are few simple rules.

  1. Avoid PAYG
  2. The SIM size is standard size – not Micro or Nano
  3. Avoid ‘virtual’ networks, Tesco, GiffGaff, etc – these companies don’t have their own physical networks, like EE, O2, Vodafone, etc.
  4. Use a SIM that is on a network that has good coverage, for the site location
  5. A monthly data allowance of 1-2 GB /month is usually sufficient for standard, normal use – e.g. PLC diagnostics
  6. Use a local SIM that is meant for use in that country – e.g. Vodafone France for a machine in France, Vodafone Deutschland for a machine in Germany, etc.
  7. You probably don’t want to get involved in providing and maintaining these individual SIM contracts, across multiple countries, customers, etc, so make it the responsibility of a local person, as an integral part of the machine contract – e.g. your local agent, or the customer themselves
  8. If you have NO CHOICE but to provide and maintain the SIMs, contracts, etc, then negotiate with a worldwide network provider (e.g. Vodafone), to source ‘world SIMs’ which you can source in the UK, but which can be used worldwide.

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