Frequently Asked Question
Are there any recommendations when using 3G/4G SIMs in Ewons ?
Last Updated 6 years ago
Yes! Here are few simple rules.
- Avoid PAYG
- The SIM size is standard size – not Micro or Nano
- Avoid ‘virtual’ networks, Tesco, GiffGaff, etc – these companies don’t have their own physical networks, like EE, O2, Vodafone, etc.
- Use a SIM that is on a network that has good coverage, for the site location
- A monthly data allowance of 1-2 GB /month is usually sufficient for standard, normal use – e.g. PLC diagnostics
- Use a local SIM that is meant for use in that country – e.g. Vodafone France for a machine in France, Vodafone Deutschland for a machine in Germany, etc.
- You probably don’t want to get involved in providing and maintaining these individual SIM contracts, across multiple countries, customers, etc, so make it the responsibility of a local person, as an integral part of the machine contract – e.g. your local agent, or the customer themselves
- If you have NO CHOICE but to provide and maintain the SIMs, contracts, etc, then negotiate with a worldwide network provider (e.g. Vodafone), to source ‘world SIMs’ which you can source in the UK, but which can be used worldwide.